Field Trial Residue studies
Redebel has been GLP-certified since 1993 and is authorised to carry out agricultural trials and sampling for all types of residue analyses (harvested crops, soil ...). (EC Regulation N° 1107/2009 and "Guideline for the testing of chemicals N° 509, Crop Field Trial, June 2021").
A residue study quantifies the amount of residue found in raw agricultural commodities (RAC) - especially in the parts consumed by humans and animals - after crop treatment. Redebel helps you obtain certified data concerning your trials / residue studies (toxicological and eco-toxicological).
Residue levels in harvested products (and/or in processed products) are an integral part of a registration dossier. The residue levels observed during the study will be compared to the Maximum Residue Level (MRL) in force.
We also conduct your European GLP studies. These studies are managed by our study directors who collaborate with test sites and recognised European GLP analysis laboratories. We therefore cover both the Northern European zone and the Southern European zone.
Redebel performs these trials directly on site or at the grower's location when so permitted by the products being tested. Our experts can analyse the residue levels of your conventional plant protection products as well as your biosolutions (OECD ENV/JM/MONO(2011)50/Rev1).